

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Santos completes a year in the government

After becoming the elected president with more popular support in history, with more than nine million votes, Juan Manuel Santos met on Sunday his first year in office with high approval and management that has changed the perception levels of citizen the country and abroad.

The calendar of Santos, only 'enlagunada' for the havoc caused by the strong winter season and forcing him to change the beginning of his government was marked by a conciliatory tone and dialogue which began even before his inauguration to the creation of the Bureau of National Unity, which was provided with the entry of the Liberal Party's coalition government and later joined the 20th of July, Green Party, which contested the presidency in the presidential runoff.

The Mesa Unit has allowed political parties to discuss the government's proposals in advance and step forward ideas that result in projects being carried to Congress.

The National Unity has enabled the country to deliver a series of revolutionary standards in many respects, as the Law on Land Restitution Victims and (almost "unthinkable" just a year ago), the First Job, political reform, which began applied in the current election campaign in the country, and public safety law that gives tools to fight crime.

Perhaps one of the laws of greater impact is the Anti-Corruption Statute, which seeks to counteract and punish severely the looting of state coffers.

It has been precisely the same government that has uncovered several corruption scandals, such as posters that appropriated the resources of health, or of which the Dian DeFalco with VAT tax refunds through exports fictitious.

Santos has push through controversial constitutional reforms that have created unrest in some regions, such as payment of mining royalties, or social sectors by the amendment call 'fiscal sustainability' or influence management instruments of collective as television, through the elimination of the Commission to regulate it.

Zero dispute

One of the Santos decision has been to avoid any controversy and discussions that polarize the country.

President reestablished cordial relations and respect the high courts of justice and personally or through his 'minister star', Germain Vargas Lleras, has talked with the judges on the various issues in the sector.

Although in the last week did not reach consensus with Parliament on the proposed reform of the justice which this week filed with Congress, Santos has said he respects the independence of the Branch and hoped that his wisdom Cameras reconcile differences and achieve make the best decisions.

One of the repeated requests of Santos to his ministers and agents of government in general has been to not contest the court rulings.

Santos and his ministers have not wanted to enter into disputes or to comment on the 'pull' than in the past few days has released the president Alvaro Uribe questioned some facts of government.

The social emergency

The biggest problem faced Santos during his first year in office has been the winter that affected most of the country.

His government had to resort to the constitutional of the social emergency to attend to millions of victims and reconstruction of the country in its infrastructure.

Applied twice to issue emergency decrees that allow him to provide urgent resources.

Some of the rules dictated not pass the subsequent examination of the Constitutional Court, while the political control exercised by Congress only four of the 70 decrees deserved comments from the legislative chambers.

These are now handled as ordinary laws.

Much of the social emergency care could be achieved with a large international solidarity that resulted in grants of cash and in kind.

International relations

Just three days into his administration, August 10, when Santos celebrated his birthday 59, the country witnessed surprised and happy fact that only a few days before was impossible: the embrace of Santos with his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez.

It happened in Santa Marta and was the beginning of a new era in international relations in a single year has produced some results that we all stand in the comity of nations.

Santos restored battered and suspended relations with the governments of Venezuela and Ecuador and Colombia began to have greater presence in multinational settings.

"Colombia is no longer a 'problem country' on the international stage, where he began to speak before the UN, OAS, and UNASUR, for example, and Santos began to look at the relations not only with its immediate neighbors but also with other countries and organizations , making the country less interdependent United States in international politics ", according to Diana Marcela Rojas, a researcher at the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations at the Universidad Nacional.

Professor Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Raja, University of Los Andes, believes that without being an expert in international affairs, felt that relations with Venezuela have paid off the two countries, especially Colombia, they have close to Chavez neutralized the guerrilla action, since the neighbor does not see Bush and Colombia and its government as a hostile enemy.

Labour policy

In the first year in office have created enough Santos expectations about labor policy, especially after the enactment of the law of the First Job, which has so far provided 820 000 jobs, according to the chairman of the House of Representatives Simon Gaviria.

For Congressman, Santos has not only concerned by the number of jobs but for their quality and respect for the guarantees of the workers.

"So they are putting into shape the worker cooperatives that degrade employment, benefits and services and guarantees are encouraging," he said.

According to Gaviria, unemployment has fallen considerably, and expectations about the improvement of working conditions are increasing.

Union sectors saying that is not true about a large increase in jobs.

The president of the CUT, Tarcisio Mora, the country's labor problem is not the government or the laws that qualifies as a warm wet cloth, but the prevailing model in the country could look at the model Lula da Silva 'of Brazil.

The president of the only opposition party, the Democratic Pole, Jaime Dussan, believes that unemployment is getting bigger and the Santos administration has taken legal decisions that will not produce better results as long as the business economic model.

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