

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Colombian Stock Movers : Interconexion Electrica, Tablemac Gain

The following companies had unusual price changes in Bogotá trading. 

Stock symbols are in parentheses and prices are as of 4 p.m. local time.

The IGBC Index (IGBC) fell 0.8 percent to 12,489.13, while the Colcap Index declined 0.7 percent to 1,561.06.

Interconexion Electrica SA (ISA) , a Colombian energy and roadway company, rose 1.4 percent to 11,260 pesos. 

The company said it completed a $211 million purchase of the remaining 40 percent of Intervial Chile SA that it didn’t already own. 

Intervial controls five highway concessions in that country.

The company said it used funds raised from a bond offering in Colombia to help pay for the transaction, according to a regulatory filing today.

Tableros y Maderas de Caldas SA (TABLEMA) , a Colombian wood products maker, rose 3.3 percent to 9.29 pesos. 

The company’s board of directors approved raising capital of 25.5 billion pesos ($13.2 million) before Dec. 31 for its medium density fiberboard project, according to a regulatory filing today.

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