

Friday, July 15, 2011

Shakira Stands Up for Education

Shakira has taken a stand when it comes to supporting education.

The 34 year old Colombian singer recently spoke out about her experience as panel speaker and guest of President Shimon Peres at the Third Israeli Presidential Conference in Jerusalem last month, in an article she wrote for the Huffington Post.

Titled “Education for Peace,” Shakira provides details about her trip and what “the crucial decisions that will make a better tomorrow,” require for children and education.

“The afternoon of the conference, I visited the Max Rayne Jerusalem School, an inspirational place where half of the student population is Israeli and half Palestinian.

Students learn together, across all divides, speaking both Arabic and Hebrew, learning and playing together without difference,” she wrote.

“There is no other investment that has the kind of social multiplier effect that early education has,” she added.

“It is an incredible thing to nurture and watch grow and spread.

Seeing the students flourish at Max Rayne School as with visiting the children in my schools in Colombia who are now on their way to college instead of guerilla armies only reaffirms my conviction that education is the very substance of peace.”

She also started her own organization, the Barefoot Foundation, whose mission is to make education universally available to every child.

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