

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Serial coffee offenders a productivity problem for Queensland businesses

SERIAL coffee offenders can be worse than smokers at work, with some taking six breaks a day to get their hit.

With an average coffee break lasting at least 10 minutes compared to a five minute smoko break, businesses are at risk of losing an hour of productivity per caffeine addict in their office.

Queensland Chamber of Commerce president David Goodwin said employees taking an unreasonable number of breaks from work would only hurt themselves.

"Everybody likes a team player and you don't want to be one of those people that gets talked about for not being around the office," he said.

"It can't be a nanny state.

People will have to get their work-break balance right, and if they don't, they won't get the promotion."

Popular Valley cafe Jamie's Espresso Bar is frequented by local workers wanting to get out of the office.

"Lots of our regulars come in a few times a day - some come half-a-dozen times a day," barista Carmela Ruffino said.

At nearby Bowen Hills, people stood cuppa in hand as a crowd gathered at Merlo.

"It's refreshing to come out, you get a walk and it uplifts you," said interior designer Sarah Liquorish, nursing a mocha.

"All the guys at work will have about three or four coffees today they get antsy if they don't get one."

Professor Jake Najman, who specialises in addictions, said there were similarities between the smoko and taking excessive coffee breaks.

"Caffeine is a bit like the old story with tobacco in that there's a social component and a physical component," he said.

"There was the old institution of the smoko - groups of workers would smoke together.

"You would be looking at 1-2 cups of coffee a day once you're getting past that you're starting to develop a level of commitment to it."

But according to workplace and teamwork expert Dr Nicole Gillespie, there's nothing to fear for those of us who only have a few cups a day.

"There's evidence to support the view that having regular breaks can enhance productivity."

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