
Monday, April 4, 2011

Colombia : Asparagus increasing in acreage

It is expensive to cultivate one hectare of asparagus: it takes between $20 and $25 million pesos.

But once planted and in production, profitability of this product may reach 50%.

So say producers of Anserma (Caldas). Anserma has been working with the vegetable for years, of which consumption in Colombia is increasing, but remains closely tied to the upper strata and fine dining.

Caldas has experience in this field. With the law that brought tax benefits after the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz (snowcapped volcano), 25 years ago, the firm Eruption S.A. began in 1988 focusing mostly on their work for foreign markets.

Eruption was able to reach 70 hectares in green and, projecting an expansion, the director of the company saw the need to link small farmers of the area.

But three years ago the lean years came and the price of the kilo of the product fell below $1,000 pesos, for the first time in 18 years.

"Prices are fluctuating and even got to $4,000 pesos per kilo at one time. Today the average price is between $2,600 and $3,000 pesos", said the technical assistant of the firm Espárragos Erupción SAS.

This company is not the same Erupción S.A., which was liquidated to make way for the new company, created in March 2010, with other partners but with the same philosophy and know-how.

Diego Cano, vice president of the Horticultural Association of Lower West of Caldas, said that in his sector there are about 50 families living from asparagus.

The manager said that, in normal times, asparagus can make a yield up to 50% and although the initial investment is high once you set the crown of the plant, it can produce up to 18 years.

Asparagus, in tropical climates, have two annual crops and ideal soil for its development is at between 1,600 and 2,100 meters.

In Colombia, there are few cases of experience with this vegetable, and they are in the Coffee-Axis and Cauca. 

In the latter department there is a project to install 200 hectares.

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